Friday, May 16, 2008

diving in

It's May, it is a still, chilly and cloudy gray day. I am anxiously waiting for my Amazon order to arrive, "War and Peace." I have heard about this book my whole life and I have decided it's time. It is time to read it, tackle it, get through it, and hopefully love it. Some pals on a blog have recommended, a note pad and pen to help in keeping all the various people straight, I'll do that.(thank you) The book is 3.8 pounds and 1296 pages. I can't wait to just hold it! I love the feel of a good book.

Here are some reviews on this translation:
“A major new translation . . . [which] brings us the palpability [of Tolstoy’s characters] as perhaps never before. . . . Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky’s new translation gives us new access to the spirit and order of the book.” —James Wood, The New Yorker

“Shimmering....[it] offers an opportunity to see this great classic afresh, to approach it not as a monument but rather as a deeply touching story about our contradictory human hearts.” —Michael Dirda, Washington Post


Durward Discussion said...

Just take it in small doses until you get acquainted with the characters. Once you fall in love with them, the last 750 pages or so will be a snap ... actually it will be up in the middle of the night reading to find out what happens next (Sorry - flashback to my Tolstoy madness summer as a teenager).

Wikipedia has an excellent overall view of the novel.

me said...

Thanks Jamie. I just got the book the other day. I take it with me where ever I go, in case I find myself in a situation where I am waiting.

Durward Discussion said...

How are you doing so far?