Thursday, May 8, 2008

holy crap the po po

Thursday May 8th. I was visited by two plain clothe detectives who said that they were following the orders of Mr.[Doe] the City Law Director stating that he is considering filing criminal harassment charges against me, in reference to my neighbor with the huge addition. The officers repeatedly stated that the issues I presented to city officials were unfounded, but when asked what "unfounded" meant they replied, "any complaint that is found not to be valid is unfounded." They kept asking me if I was going to continue with unfounded complaints. They used the word "criminal" often and were threatening and intimidating to both myself and my 18 year old daughter. Many of my neighbors have agreed with my complaints, additionally, I have always maintain a respectful and professional tone. When I pressed for more information they changed the subject and said they didn't know anything about this or that, that they were just here to relay a message. "We just follow orders." I believe I am within my rights to contact my elected representatives. I said to the two goons," Well, I am not a lawyer I didn't interpret the code as they did, and that is why I bought it up to the building department attention."

I am appalled and confused as to what they were trying to do. I am going to speak with my attorney next week, and decide what, if anything, I can do.

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