This is what I eliminated today. You see, I am obsessed with using less and buying less, and but what I realized is that I need to get rid of what I have. My solution to "stuff" in the past has always been to buy containers, label them, fill them correctly, and finally put the label container somewhere. Thus the problem begins....first forgetting that the container even exists, and second, forgetting what was even in the container. When I needed or wanted something I would just go out and buy it. This is all make up and skin care stuff...and the more shocking realization is that I rarely even wear make-up. I just like the idea of make up and skin care. I love the packaging, the ads and the claims and the bags - it's intoxicating.
Well not anymore.....and that feels good!
I have other items to sort in the house but this category was weighing heavily on me because I knew I was totally out of control. Someone recently wrote that," the worse thing you can do to get organize is buy a box or a container"...he or she was SO right.
"progress" - it's a good thing.